Possible you I have not understood, I wanted to see the example of the
   commercial work in RS3D for performing which is required built-in
   tools sculpting.
   I'm interested in it because in my practice I have not met the need of
   using this.
   Do not think that I want to offend You, I'm really interested.

      Respectfully yours, Yuriy.

   --- Оригінальне повідомлення ---
   От кого: "Juha Mukari" <cosmi...@windowslive.com>
   Кому: user-list@light.realsoft3d.com
   Дата: 17 листопада 2010, 11:58:51
   Тема: Re: RE: You really dont understand... RE: (Future...) Key word
   is full-featured btw.

     It would be much esier to ask: where i do not need sculpting.
     Sculpting is one way to modell 3d-modells... especially humans.
     and i dont mean special sculpting tools, i mean simple sculpting
     tools like: http://www.curvy3d.com/ Cury 3D...
     But i dont need that anymore when i moved to cinema...

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