For obvious security reasons browsers do  not allow to open/access files
without user selecting the files. So this will not allow to request the
server files (via Browser side scripting). There are some newish HTML5 file
APIs, but I think they have the same restriction. You will need to have
some other client technologies if you want to pick files.

Am 06.09.2014 21:29 schrieb "Konrad Zuse" <>:

> I'm not sure you understood my question correctly, because I have no idea
> what your answer is supposed to be.
> Lets try this again.
> I have an web app that uses Apache Commons FileUpload to upload files.  I
> am using the streaming api to stream files up, and then save them to my
> server.  This has nothing to do with my war file, or application files,
> this has to do with user submitted files that they themselves will be using
> on.
> I haven't exactly done the saving, but I know I can save it to my own
> filesystem, so I don't think there should be much of a problem saving it to
> my server.
> What I am asking is this.
> The FileUpload uses a multipart form which is how the data is sent.
> <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="fup.cgi">
>   File to upload: <input type="file" name="upfile"><br/>
>   Notes about the file: <input type="text" name="note"><br/>
>   <br/>
>   <input type="submit" value="Press"> to upload the file!
> </form>
> With this I will select multiple files for upload.
> The issue is, I am upload a file, that contains additional data for files
> to be uploaded.  Lets call this file A.  File A has to be read in order to
> upload additional files which are images.
> So when we look at this.
> // Check that we have a file upload request
> boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);//
> Create a new file upload handler
> ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload();
> // Parse the request
> FileItemIterator iter = upload.getItemIterator(request);
> while (iter.hasNext()) {
>     FileItemStream item =;
>     String name = item.getFieldName();
>     InputStream stream = item.openStream();
> We see that the data for the file to be uploaded was sent over through a
> request.
> My question is basically I want to be able to add additional data to that
> request, but I am not adding it myself.  Once I submit a file through the
> form, I want to be able to submit more data, and how I do that is my
> question.  I want to know what exactly is FileUpload doing to grab the
> images and parse them into the Input Stream?  What exactly is the
> multipart/data form doing to make this happened, that is what I'm really
> looking for.  I will go look over the SRC, but I figured I would ask here.
> As I mentioned before I have a few options that I thought of.
> 1.  Red the data mid stream, and then upload the file(how do I upload)?
> 2.  Save the file then upload.
> A.  Use a Servlet to fake a form and pass the data to itself?
> So again, user selects file, I read file, then select other files from
> their system that are needed for the first file, and upload them all up at
> the same time.
> Thanks!
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: RE: [fileupload] - Question about uploading additional files
> other than the ones in the form?
> > Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 11:44:46 -0400
> >
> > Morning Konradthe <htp/file/ftp>uploader will need to have apriori
> knowledge  of both:location of Main distro usually 'baseDir'
> > location of ancillary, classes, sources, html,css
> >
> > This is the reason why you will never see an apache server provisioning
> individual files(except for SVN/GIT) source ctl
> >
> > package ALL files(resource/source/classes/README/doc/etc) up into a jar
> and drop the jar into basedir and let your customers figure out how to
> untar/unzip/unjar the filehttp://
> > lets pickup this thread on
> > HTH
> > Martin-
> >
> >
> > > From:
> > > To:
> > > Subject: [fileupload] - Question about uploading additional files
> other than the ones in the form?
> > > Date: Fri, 5 Sep 2014 20:05:03 -0400
> > >
> > > Hello all,
> > >
> > > I am basically uploading a file to my server, but within that file
> contains path information to images that also need to be uploaded.  I am
> looking to read the file mid stream and get the data for the images to
> upload.  It seems I am able to do this, but if this is not possible will I
> be able save the file, read it, and then be able to get these images?
> > >
> > > I am curious about how I will go about grabbing the additional files?
> I see that streaming works with InputStream from JavaIO as well as
> something from CommonsIO, so I figured I could configure something to work
> with the fileupload stream.
> > >
> > > I also thought that I could possibly try to create a form through my
> servlet and pass the data through that, but I figured this would be the
> less favorable approach.
> > >
> > > If anyone has any advice or thoughts I would appreciate it... Thanks!
> > >
> > >
> >

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