Alrighty, thanks, so do you have any recommendations for what I should be 
looking for to send these requests?  I'm assuming something I do will send the 
data as a multi part form, which my servlet up on the server will connect up 
with?  I believe a buddy of mine mentioned "Restful Web Services?" for certain 
things that might be for this?

I understand the client-server relationship, but you seemed to say I could do 
what I need to do from my browser, which again is what we were talking about 
isn't this the whole problem with security issues, or what exactly are you 
suggesting?  When you said "browser client" I thought you were referring to 
something "special."

I guess I will go look for a client library to work with, do you have any 
recommendations?  I bet there is so many :(.  So many new things I've been 
learning, so many still to learn :).

I have probably not, do you have links by any chance?  I tried looking up the 
former, but got a bunch of unsure pages.  I have been learning from various 
sources.  Right now I'm working with JSP and Servlets/Pojos as well as JS and 
some JS libraries.  It's fun so far.

Also I just thought of this, but are we saying that I can basically have an 
application that is installed on their system that when I try to upload the 
main file, it will communicate with my application client to upload the rest of 
the files, or do I have to do it all from the application client itself?  If so 
then does the application have to be running when they do this, or can it be 
activated on the web?  Either automatically (seems like a security issues, but 
it's only turning on my application) or with a manual button from the web?

Thanks for all the help, much appreciated.

> Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2014 14:26:46 -0700
> Subject: Re: [fileupload] - Question about uploading additional files other 
> than the ones in the form?
> From:
> To:
> On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 2:06 PM, Konrad Zuse <> wrote:
> > Okay so I generate the requests via my client to allow the upload of all of 
> > these files, but it has to be done from something on their machine though, 
> > and not a browser?
> Yes.
> > Not too sure what you saying before about "client browsers."
> The web is a client-server environment. A "client" sends a request
> to a "server" and processes the response.
> A "web browser" is a client; wget and curl are clients. There are
> client libraries for most modern languages that you can embed in
> your programs. They all exist to send requests to servers and do
> something with the response.
> > I am relatively new to web programming
> So I gather :-)  Have you read any of the HTTP RFCs? Read the
> HTML recommendations? If not, I'd recommend it.
> HTH, and good luck.
> -- 
> Hassan Schroeder ------------------------
> twitter: @hassan
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