Careful, this might degrade into a "where to find adult stores in the USA" topic...

Actually, the world not always as it would seem or as many would like it to be. I live in one of the more conservative (not really totalitarian, but frequently intolerant) states, namely Utah, and such things even exist here... though I'm sure not to the extent of other places in the USA, like San Francisco.

It's not a bad comparison in general. Governance is governance. While we want to keep things "clean" in OFBiz, I think we also want to be very tolerant. This is often wise, just in case one finds out one was wrong or had limited vision and failed to see the "big picture". Of course, in OFBiz it's not a moral issue but an issue of what some call "best practices" or "business process purity". Some such things certainly exist, but they are hard to define in terms of the innumerable varieties of business structures and processes that are perfectly legal and valid.


On Oct 25, 2007, at 3:09 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:

Oh, good to know! But I saw some in Arizona too. Definitely Nevada. Maybe not Oregon or mid west.


"adult superstores". Only in San Fran. Come to most places in the U.S. and
they would be burned inside of 10 days of opening.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathon -- Improov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 11:14 PM
Subject: Re: Management style for OFBiz project (was shipments made for
out of stock items)
 > You're in Singapore, am I remembering that right Jonathon?

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