Technology continues to march forward. Some people find it hard to keep up.


--- On Thu, 1/20/11, David E Jones <> wrote:
> Before saying anything else, let me clarify that I don't
> disagree with this sentiment.
> The big question seems to be what is the "clue" that
> everyone wishes the PMC has?
> Personally, I now disagree with the whole model and doubt
> any redemption for it. Even if there were perfect people on
> the PMC (which is clearly impossible, and the current PMC is
> mostly made up of attempts to do anything to get as many
> people involved as possible): when there is no design to
> implement to and the scope is not very narrowly defined it
> is impossible to keep everyone happy. That's why most ASF
> projects are not like OFBiz with broad scope and business
> focus and a lot of design to be done, they are generally
> implementations of public specifications.
> Is that the clue?
> Maybe a better question is: what is the dream world people
> think they are going to find here?
> Why is anyone surprised?
> Well, for those interested the model I'm going for now is
> quite different, see the "Model: License? Resources?"
> section on the web site.
> That said, I mentioned above that I don't disagree with the
> sentiment. However, I think it is presented in a piss poor
> way by everyone who is acting like a whining little child
> here. Get a life. If it's a big deal to you then solve the
> problem and stop complaining and whining. Get a grip on
> reality. There are all sorts of things you could do about
> this that don't require trying to push the project. Anyone
> could grab the old theme and post it to any of dozens of
> free hosting places, or just on a wiki page or Jira issue.
> People could even collaborate to reduce the burden on any
> individual. This isn't rocket science.
> This is what is so ridiculous. Almost no one cares about
> handling general needs over specific ones and keeping things
> flexible. Almost no one cares about what anyone else needs.
> And why should it be any different? Those who think things
> should be a certain or another just want a free ride and
> won't lift a finger beyond childish complaints and personal
> attacks to get anything done. This sort of situation is
> EXACTLY what should be expected in this model.
> Still, there are solutions to all of this and rewards for
> those creative and hard-working enough to get them done.
> There is pretty much always a solution once the real problem
> is confessed. There's also a market out there for pretty
> much anything related to this, since currently there aren't
> many people using some sort of violence to stop any of this.
> That's the beauty of the real world.
> -David
> On Jan 20, 2011, at 7:38 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> > Yeah you in a vacuum. IMHO and experience
> the PMC does live in a vacuum. As the saying guys
> "don't have a clue".
> > Just my 2 cents.
> > Ruth
> > 
> > On 1/20/11 9:56 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:
> >> That's not true. Every change is discussed and
> debated.
> >> 
> >> The OFBiz developers and the PMC don't live in a
> vacuum - they have production systems to maintain. It is
> silly to think they would not consider those production
> systems when proposing changes.
> >> 
> >> -Adrian
> >> 
> >> --- On Thu, 1/20/11, BJ Freeman<> 
> wrote:
> >>> you will find that the ofbiz
> >>> developer group first priority is to change
> >>> before considering the effect on production
> systemm using
> >>> offbiz.
> >>> something I lobby against, but has little
> effect.
> >>> so I have a system to accomplish this
> regardless of what
> >>> they do.
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> =========================
> >>> BJ Freeman
> >>> Strategic Power Office with Supplier
> Automation
> >>> <>
> >>><>
> >>> Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
> >>> 
> >>> Chat  Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>> Mike sent the following on 1/20/2011 3:38 PM:
> >>>> But why delete it?  Alot of folks
> learned ofbiz
> >>> on flatgrey, and their
> >>>> employees are used to it.  At least
> keep it
> >>> around as flatgrey_old.
> >>>> On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Adrian
> Crum<>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>> That theme was starting to look old,
> so the
> >>> developer community decided to
> >>>>> update it.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> If you prefer the old version of the
> theme, you
> >>> are welcome to replace the
> >>>>> new one with it.
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> -Adrian
> >>>>> 
> >>>>> On 1/20/2011 3:21 PM, Mike wrote:
> >>>>>> I just loaded trunk and discovered
> that the
> >>> normal flatgrey theme has
> >>>>>> been completely redefined. 
> What
> >>> happened?  I thought it was actually
> >>>>>> the best theme that was very well
> >>> organized.  Is there a way to get it
> >>>>>> back?
> >>>>>> 
> >>> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 

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