From: "Wendy Smoak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> He has a point-- if you go to Download->Binaries it gives you 1.2.2.
> I asked about it on the dev list, hopefully someone can drop the 1.1 files
> into some directory and the download page (which is a .cgi) will magically
> change. (Well, after all the mirrors get updated... which might be the
> reason for leaving 1.2.2 there, knowing another release is coming soon.
> Onward!)

Following up on this, it's too difficult to get the Downloads page to point
at the 1.1 release, so they're waiting for the next GA release to replace
1.2.2.  They're voting on 1.2.4 now, so hopefully that will do it.

Apologies to the recently arrived... this is a particularly confusing time,
I don't remember a GA release ever being withdrawn before, complicated by
the recent change from Struts being under Jakarta to being on its own as an
Apache project.

Wendy Smoak

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