I'm finally back from my 1-month Chinese New Year vacation (actually back since
Wednesday). A few things I wanted to add:

1) No matter what, Univa is not supposed to damage the reputation of Dave Love. 
As much
as I disagree with Dave Love, I've never said bad things cowardly behind 

Univa is also totally wrong to say that Oracle will get to Dave (from Dave's 
email -
"lucky Oracle lawyers haven't descended yet"). I don't know why Univa can speak 
Oracle. Add to the fact that Univa started the FUD against open source Grid 
Engine first,
and as mentioned by Chris & Rayson, running Ads on Google saying that Open Grid 
is built by Univa ("Open Grid Scheduler - Download and Try - Built by 
Experts"). And at
the beginning, asking Dave and I to merge with Univa to eliminate competion. I 
would say
that Univa is just not helping the Grid Engine ecosystem at all.

It is my understanding that Oracle has not sold the Grid Engine copyright or 
property to Univa. I think it is misleading that Univa tries to make everyone 
that they are the official owner of Grid Engine. Further, Oracle has no plans 
to attach
open source Grid Engine implementations - according to a few Oracle employees 
we have
access to, so please Univa, stop using Oracle lawyers as part of your FUD!

2) On the other hand, this Mark Magento is also not doing the right thing. As 
much as I 
disagree with the tactics used by Univa, I have only asked Univa to stop all 
the evil
tactics they are using, and confess by contributing something useful - like 
the UniSight product. I am not asking Univa to close business.

However, Mark on the one hand complained about Univa registering 
gridengine.com, and on
the other hand registering univagridengine.com and also the unicloud wordpress 
This will just further confuse anyone who wants to use Grid Engine.

3) I have been monitoring any FUD activities since the birth of the Grid Engine 
source project. At the beginning it was Platform Computing who used stupid FUDs 
Grid Engine (especially from 2001 to 2004, when Platform was greatly affected 
by the open
source of Grid Engine), and I did the same thing on the Beowulf mailing list. I 
am not
just picking on Univa.

4) I don't know how many times I needed to repeat myself. We don't merge 
because user
Joe (i.e. William Deegan) asked us to. (Many helpful people on this list have 
requests and we listen to them.) However, we needed to plan carefully, and 
imagine what
would happen if Dave and Rayson were to merge with Univa? I am not naive and I 
knew at the
beginning why Univa wanted to eliminate all other forks.

Many people contribute on this list, but I am not sure why you William needed 
to repeat
your request so many times. You wanted Dave & I to ignore the wrong beings of 
Univa and
work on improving Grid Engine? Let me tell you this - if I develop code and a 
company is
taking advantage of my changes and use FUDs to tell people not to use my 
software, or
even damage my reputation, then I would rather not develop the code at all. If 
Dave is
not contributing because of this, then we should all know why.

Further, I don't own you anything, and I also did not tell you to use Grid 
William. Why don't you buy support from Univa so that when you clients ask you 
you don't need to relay questions on this list and end up relying on others to 
your clients?


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:13 PM, William Deegan <b...@baddogconsulting.com> 
> All,
> I've been reading these discussions for a while.
> I think generally they are counter productive.
> If you have a fork (currently there are 3 that I see: Univa, son of 
> gridengine, and gridengine (what's Ron Chen's project's name?), then just 
> work on making your fork the most attractive to use.
> If it's not nobody will use it.
> Don't worry about the other guy and/or company.
> You're not going to change their actions (at this point) by complaining.
> If people are concerned about a given fork, they won't use it.
> It would be great if there was only one repo, but I don't see that happening 
> any time soon, or ever given the dialogues on this mailing list.
> That's my 2cents.
> -Bill

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