Your jk_status seems to be ok but :
 1) your perf mon tells that you are heavy loaded. If your cpu are
hyperthread (HT) and if you have more than 50% of global cpu usage you can
considere that you are not far from your max. Your loadaverage shows that
you have lot of (too much ?) processes to handle per cpu.
 2) how many simultaneous connections can handle your apache ? check your
ThreadsPerChild. Default is about 250 i think.
 3) Do you use keepalive in your worker ? It would reduce number of opened
socket on your servers. worker.tomcat6.socket_keepalive=1

Did you try to load from your LAN ? Just to check if your internet link is
the bottleneck.
You can also try to load only one tomcat on port 8080 to check how many
requests per second it can handle.
Are your tomcats in cluster ? do you use session replication ?

If your webapp is not working well ,I suggest you to monitor it  (through
jmx or in activating logs ). Look at old and young
garbage collections (frequency and duration).


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