On March 9, 2024 8:20:10 PM GMT-04:00, Lex Trotman via Users 
<users@lists.geany.org> wrote:
>See #3786
>On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 at 09:01, H via Users <users@lists.geany.org>
>> On 03/09/2024 04:22 PM, Little Girl via Users wrote:
>> > Hey there,
>> >
>> > H via Users wrote:
>> >
>> >> Tried your modification but it still does not work properly.
>> > I'm sorry. I had high hopes that it would.
>> >
>> >> Could I ask you try to select an entire line using SHIFT-ALT-L,
>> >> extend your selection one or more lines down using SHIFT-downarrow
>> >> but then change your mind and instead extend the selection one or
>> >> more lines up using SHIFT-L going above your original selection.
>> >> Does this work?
>> > I saw your other message in which you corrected this to say that I
>> > should press Shift+Alt+L to select a paragraph, then change
>> > my mind, and then press Shift+up arrow to try to select lines above
>> > the existing selection. That slowly unselects my existing
>> > one line at a time, and then starts selecting one line at a time of
>> > text above it.
>> >
>> >> And, does it work regardless of whether the lines below/above your
>> >> original selection are longer than your original selected line?
>> > I thought I'd answer this for all of these selections. The
>> > selects the entire paragraph. The Shift+down arrow and the Shift+up
>> > arrow each select one visible line at a time, not one wrapped line,
>> > so my cursor jumps down or up by only one line each time time I
>> > the down arrow or up arrow. It doesn't care about the content and
>> > whether it should be considered a line because it's wrapped. It's
>> > interested in the actual visible lines.
>> >
>> >> Which version of geany are you running and what environment?
>> > I'm using Geany 1.38 under Kubuntu 22.04 LTS on a desktop computer
>> > and I keep the operating system fully up-to-date. All of its
>> > is from the Ubuntu repositories.
>> >
>> OK, we are in agreement, ie while you can select one entire line
>using SHIFT-ALT-L, one cannot extend the selection by entire lines
>> If anyone knows how to accomplish this, I would like to hear. I am
>surprised that I seem to be the first to have a need for this?
>> I used to use Visual Slickedit which was very powerful.
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Thank you for raising this as a bug to be fixed.
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