On Thu, 2003-10-30 at 06:22, Michal Maczka wrote:
> Peter Donald wrote:
> >On Thu, 30 Oct 2003 01:05 pm, Ben Walding wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>The rationale is this:
> >>
> >>If you have src/java and src/test, then where do you put resources for
> >>testing?
> >>
> >>eg: src/resources, src/test-resources
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >One school of thought suggests that no test should NEVER require resources 
> >external to the TestCase. You can always use Mock objects or manually 
> >construct pre-conditions for test, run the test and then test the output. 
> >
> >External resources for unit tests are only required if there is badly written 
> >code or badly written tests. While I previously used to litter my unit tests 
> >with other resources I now think it is a really bad idea. Can you give an 
> >example where there is a good reason to have resources associated with unit 
> >tests?
> >  
> >
> There  is  a lot of examples of such unit tests.
> E.g. I18N service which reads messages from XML files. To test it you 
> need to provide few XML files
> and to place them somewhere. Mock object are not really helpful here.

I think what Peter is saying, in the example above, is that you might
create a String with test XML bits in it. Then use a StringReader to
process the XML. 

> Some application might need configuration files - e.g. configuration of 
> logging mechanism (specially log4j needs it).

Here I think he might argue for using a simple Properties object instead
of a properties file.

Then on the level of integration tests you might use external resources.

> Michal
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Jason van Zyl

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