Wayne Fay wrote:
The reference is on the right track. It is too specific to their project and
appears to be a bit short on details.
It would be nice to have something that has a bit of the Maven Upload
to Central flavour but addressing the problem that the GEOT paper addresses.

Those of us who have been here for a while (including Maven devs)
simply don't have the same needs or even the same perspective as the
new user. Thus, it is VITAL that new(er) users like yourself NOTE when
such documentation is lacking, but then also HELP fill the gaps when
ever possible. Otherwise, if someone else fills that gap, they may do
it in such a way that your problem was not actually addressed (eg from
the point of view of a developer rather than a user).
I feel a bit more comfortable as an editor and do this for some other forums where I help clean up English and suggest clarifications that might help new users. The problem with authoring new content is that I am not sure about what I am doing and don't know if it is really suitable as a "Best Practice".
Simply pointing out what is missing in the docs here on the Users list
is not a very productive use of time, as you have already noted in
another thread, talking about how transitive dependencies don't work
as you expected etc. Since that was merely posted here on the Users
list (twice now), no one took any particular initiative to get the
docs changed.
I was hoping to get some feedback that my changes made sense.
When one does not know who the author is, it is hard to get a collaboration going. In the other forum where I do most of my participation, I have the luxury of a private conversation with the author to make suggestions and to get a response to my questions and suggestions.
Post things to JIRA (especially with patches) to get things changed. I
assure you, patches with good/useful changes in content will be
well-received and the site/documentation will be updated in due

I am not going to get into "patching". I leave that to the author. I will suggest rewording or request that clarifying text be added but I will not create patches.

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