Actually I don't really have much of a problem with Eclipse, other than I have to keep the parts of an app together... remember I'm one of the group who is trying to get the old fuddy-duddies around here to use Maven, so not everyone would "get it" if the parts of an app where spread all over the repository.

I'm having a hard enough time getting people to build with maven (despite it being easier)... I've even got a couple of guys that won't even *execute* it on our development box to build an app, for no reason other than being stubbourn.

BTW - A little off topic but following that last thought -- I see Mavens value, but if you want to gain more support and remove some of the roadblocks (for me at least) you have to target the agile folks; we are an agile shop but its they are who are the ones bulking even though Maven fits right into agile practice.

- Brill Pappin

Matt Read wrote:

What problems do you have with Eclipse? I do exactly this across a project
with many components which are re-used in various combinations of .ear and
.war files using the Maven dependency mechanism and have no problems at all
using Eclipse as my IDE.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brill Pappin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 June 2004 13:38
To: Maven Users List
Subject: Re: RFE for the war plugin

Yes, I thought of doing that very thing :) however I then have problems with Eclipse as it doesn't understand multi-project builds, and you really want all the parts of an application in the same place.

Still doable, but less than optimum.

- Brill

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