On Apr 6, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Tim Pizey wrote:

> Hi Jason, Marc,
> Thankyou for your help.
> I am now back to working for M2 and M3, but it looks like I need to
> get with the plot and use Nexus.
> I have never understood why the maven generated site does not link to
> the default distribution repo.,

I think this would be a harmful conflation of concerns. The site plugin's 
concern is documentation, that people try to use it as a general purpose 
publishing mechanism is bad. But additionally we have found cases where 
projects have published their own repositories and then don't maintain them. 
They vanish, people complain and then Maven is blamed. The chances are very 
high that we can maintain your repository infrastructure better then you can. 
That's not meant to be a slight it's just that we do this everyday, have full 
time people, it's monitored, replicated and users have come to expect 
everything to just work, be production quality even though they are depending 
heavily on an OSS infrastructure that they are not paying for. We try to 
provide that infrastructure because we know how many things can, and do, go 

> nor why the decision was taken not to persue per dependency repos.

If by this you mean why we don't let everyone maintain their own repositories 
and aggregate them? The answer to this is that if it were a consortium of 
enterprises who's viability depended on the availability of the repositories it 
might work. But with OSS projects that come and go, many networks that go up 
and down, security concerns, possible outages, and the general dissipation of 
interest we know that it would cause an unacceptable level of grief for users 
and the system would likely collapse if everyone just tried to manage their own 

That said there is nothing stopping any project from publishing their own 
repositories and providing instructions on how to use that repository as part 
of project build. Users don't like it. The distributed approach is nice in 
theory, but for a bunch of OSS projects in practice it fails. We've had lots of 
example of project releasing to repositories, publishing POMs and then the 
repositories being removed.

> The central repo strategy has failed a few times since maven1, and the
> repo-as-proxy (Nexus)
> would make even more sense if it were proxying a lot of other small repos.

Maven Central since being on Contegix has had very little downtime. While on 
Ibiblio, yes it stopped working all the time. That's why I moved it off Ibiblio 
a long time ago. I think users of Maven Central get pretty good service for 
something they don't pay for.

> I just do not see why, as a project owner, with control over my own
> webspace I should have to involve a third party to distribute my
> artifacts.

You're not forced at all. But most Maven users have come to expect artifacts to 
be in Maven Central. If you provide the instructions they can build using your 
artifact wherever they are. But here the burden is on you. The vast majority of 
users publish and consume via HTTP and expect artifacts to be in Maven Central. 
That is the what we choose to support well. The SSH libraries for Java are 
flaky, using executables is fraught with permissions problems, platform 
problems while the HTTP libraries are far more reliable in general. 
Additionally I doubt there is a single Maven developer who uses SCP to deploy 
and we are all generally in favor of repository managers. So in the spirit of 
OSS why would we scratch an itch non of us have. 

> Why not have a default repo generated as part of the site
> plugin?

What's stopping you from implementing that? 

I personally think it's a bad idea, and would result in large scale failure. I 
would never implement it but if you wanted to add that functionality to the 
site plugin there's nothing stopping you. Whether that approach would be 
popular you would find out.

I believe you are in the great minority using SCP to deploy, as such much of 
the burden to support this approach is yours.

> thanks for the great help
> Tim
> On 6 April 2011 13:23, Jason van Zyl <ja...@sonatype.com> wrote:
>> If this is for a Sourceforge (I saw Webmacro in there)  project then the 
>> route that many have gone is to drop SCP, and use Nexus OSS. There are 1300 
>> projects using Nexus OSS now, it's easier to get your project into Maven 
>> Central and you don't have to worry about the Maven repository 
>> infrastructure. It would honestly have taken you less time to setup 
>> something with:
>> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Sonatype+OSS+Maven+Repository+Usage+Guide
>> Then trying to fiddle with the SCP stuff. You still get all your project 
>> download statistics and like and far less hassle.
>> If you jump into #mavencentral on Codehaus IRC I imagine we can get you 
>> setup from end to end in a couple hours.
>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 7:49 AM, Tim Pizey wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I now have my project deploying using scp.
>>> I added an explicit configuration for the deploy plugin to the pom:
>>>    <plugin>
>>>     <artifactId>maven-deploy-plugin</artifactId>
>>>     <version>2.5</version>
>>>     <dependencies>
>>>       <dependency>
>>>         <groupId>org.apache.maven.wagon</groupId>
>>>         <artifactId>wagon-ssh</artifactId>
>>>         <version>1.0-beta-7</version>
>>>        </dependency>
>>>      </dependencies>
>>>    </plugin>
>>> To get Maven (M2) to deploy using scp you need to add
>>> the wagon-ssh.jar in your /usr/local/apache-maven/lib or equivalent,
>>> (if you do not you will get a spurious "failed to create directory
>>> message" and a NPE)
>>> You do not need an <extension> section for M2 or M3.
>>> Thanks for your help,
>>> I would welcome the ssh wagon being part of the default install.
>>> cheers
>>> Tim
>>> --
>>> Tim Pizey - http://pizey.net/~timp
>>> Centre for Genomics and Global Health - http://cggh.org
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>> Thanks,
>> Jason
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Jason van Zyl
>> Founder,  Apache Maven
>> http://twitter.com/jvanzyl
>> ---------------------------------------------------------
>> There's no sense in being precise when you don't even know what you're 
>> talking about.
>>  -- John von Neumann
> -- 
> Tim Pizey - http://pizey.net/~timp
> Centre for Genomics and Global Health - http://cggh.org



Jason van Zyl
Founder,  Apache Maven

believe nothing, no matter where you read it,
or who has said it,
not even if i have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense.

 -- Buddha

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