Hi Jason,

thank you for your detailed reply.

On 6 April 2011 13:59, Jason van Zyl wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2011, at 8:33 AM, Tim Pizey wrote:
>> Hi Jason, Marc,
>> Thankyou for your help.
>> I am now back to working for M2 and M3, but it looks like I need to
>> get with the plot and use Nexus.
>> I have never understood why the maven generated site does not link to
>> the default distribution repo.,
> I think this would be a harmful conflation of concerns.

> The site plugin's
> concern is documentation, that people try to use it as a general purpose
> publishing mechanism is bad.

I think that this is where we differ. The beauty of Maven, as I saw it, was
the conflation of code and documentation.

Particularly in a CI environment there is no reason for the code and
documentation to get out of step.
By separating the two we have allowed the two fail situations:
1. where the artifact in the public repositories has no up-to-date
2. where the documentation exists but not the artifact referred to.

I cannot see the case for publishing an artifact without publishing the site,
the two steps need to be separated on a developers machine, but they
should, in my view, not be separable at the publishing step.

> But additionally we have found cases where
> projects have published their own repositories and then don't maintain them.
> They vanish, people complain and then Maven is blamed.

There is no reason why central should not be an aggregating service, just not
the source, so a decentralised model does not entail Maven being blamed.
As long as the site has existed and the aggregator has seen it then it
does not matter if the site disappears.

> The chances are very
> high that we can maintain your repository infrastructure better then you
> can.

No disputing that, I wiped mine yesterday :)
It would be lovely if all previous versions were being stored elsewhere.

> That's not meant to be a slight it's just that we do this everyday,
> have full time people, it's monitored, replicated and users have come to
> expect everything to just work, be production quality even though they are
> depending heavily on an OSS infrastructure that they are not paying for.

> We
> try to provide that infrastructure because we know how many things can, and
> do, go awry.
> > nor why the decision was taken not to persue per dependency repos.
> If by this you mean why we don't let everyone maintain their own
> repositories and aggregate them?

That was not what I meant, though it is what I think would be best.

What I meant was that you are not able to specify in the pom a
repository for a particular dependency.
So to use say http://webmacro.sourceforge.net/maven2/ for one dependency
it has to be polled for every dependency.
There is an issue in JIRA on this marked 'won't fix'.

> The answer to this is that if it were a
> consortium of enterprises who's viability depended on the availability of
> the repositories it might work. But with OSS projects that come and go, many
> networks that go up and down, security concerns, possible outages, and the
> general dissipation of interest we know that it would cause an unacceptable
> level of grief for users and the system would likely collapse if everyone
> just tried to manage their own repositories.

I cannot think of the major OOS infrastructure sites which have disappeared.
sourceforge?  google code ? java.net ?

I am not suggesting that there is no role for repo1 or Nexus, just that they
should pull not require projects to push.

> That said there is nothing stopping any project from publishing their own
> repositories and providing instructions on how to use that repository as
> part of project build. Users don't like it. The distributed approach is nice
> in theory, but for a bunch of OSS projects in practice it fails. We've had
> lots of example of project releasing to repositories, publishing POMs and
> then the repositories being removed.

I am not sure which ones you are thinking of, but only ones I can think of
that have disappeared have been corporations.
The core open source organisations are stronger than ever:
apache, codehaus, sourceforge, googlecode
I think they can now be taken for granted and bet on to outlast any
commercial concern.

>> The central repo strategy has failed a few times since maven1, and the
>> repo-as-proxy (Nexus)
>> would make even more sense if it were proxying a lot of other small repos.
> Maven Central since being on Contegix has had very little downtime. While on
> Ibiblio, yes it stopped working all the time. That's why I moved it off
> Ibiblio a long time ago. I think users of Maven Central get pretty good
> service for something they don't pay for.

Sure, I love the net, there is lots of free stuff on it.

>> I just do not see why, as a project owner, with control over my own
>> webspace I should have to involve a third party to distribute my
>> artifacts.

> You're not forced at all. But most Maven users have come to expect artifacts
> to be in Maven Central. If you provide the instructions they can build using
> your artifact wherever they are. But here the burden is on you.

I feel that that burden has been engineered by the dislocation of the
artefact from its

> The vast
> majority of users publish and consume via HTTP and expect artifacts to be in
> Maven Central. That is the what we choose to support well. The SSH libraries
> for Java are flaky, using executables is fraught with permissions problems,
> platform problems while the HTTP libraries are far more reliable in general.
> Additionally I doubt there is a single Maven developer who uses SCP to
> deploy and we are all generally in favor of repository managers. So in the
> spirit of OSS why would we scratch an itch non of us have.

Fair point.

>> Why not have a default repo generated as part of the site
>> plugin?
> What's stopping you from implementing that?

I would love to, I struggle to make the time.

> I personally think it's a bad idea, and would result in large scale failure.
> I would never implement it but if you wanted to add that functionality to
> the site plugin there's nothing stopping you.
> Whether that approach would be
> popular you would find out.

Would the change be accepted if you thought it was a bad idea?

> I believe you are in the great minority using SCP to deploy, as such much of
> the burden to support this approach is yours.

I will need to catch up.
Presumably using basic-auth over https?

Thanks for your reply, it is very cool that the project lead still
finds time to reply to the user list.


Tim Pizey - http://pizey.net/~timp
Centre for Genomics and Global Health - http://cggh.org

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