Yup, it seems to me that the Java environment isn't set up right -- some
JDK 8 of some kind appears to be set up system wide.

Running 'java -version' would probably confirm that.


On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 9:29 PM Neil C Smith <neilcsm...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 28 Sep 2019, 19:28 Walter Oney, <walter.o...@oneylaw.com> wrote:
>> Sure it does. You just didn't see the stackoverflow thread where I got
>> help installing JNA, which I need as part of my app. I wandered down the
>> rathole of newer JDK versions trying to solve the problem. I'm back to
>> being a happy bunny now that I've reverted to JDK 8.
> Well, I don't think you linked to the thread! ;-) What I meant was that
> JNA isn't relevant to getting a working OpenJFX sample on your system. I
> get that it's a library dependency of your app.
> JavaFX was never, strictly, part of the JDK. But was sometimes shipped
> with it. From JavaFX 8 to OpenJFX 11 is a shift, you need to treat it as a
> library dependency like you're doing with JNA. Unfortunately sticking with
> JDK 8 and JavaFX 8 is unlikely a good long term strategy.
>> As I said I would, I'm attaching the log from trying to run
>> HelloFXWithMaven. I would like to return to my regularly scheduled nap. I
>> realize that I'm probably cutting myself off from getting any help in the
>> future, but I'm massively sleep deprived and have no choice today.
> No, you're not. Just come back to it when suits you. We're usually a
> friendly bunch of volunteers here. :-)
> The thing that strikes me in that log is the error on --module-path.
> Sounds like something in the build is still picking up Java 8 somewhere?
> Best wishes,
> Neil

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