So, as I had to recover from a hard disk crash I had NB 11.2 set up again but didn't got any dialog about default project folder. As I got through google this has to be done manual by editing the file located in userhome/appdata/roaming/netbeans/11.2/config/preferences/org/netbeans/modules. I have found several topics as early as NB 6.x.

Two simple questions:
1) Why and why wasn't there any change since at least NB 6.x?
2) Is there any hidden way to change this via the GUI?

There're several other things the GUI doesn't handle as it should, for example allow setting target java version below 6 when a compiler version 11 or higher is used, as since v11 compiling is only supported down to v6 -> compile failure. Isn't an IDE supposed to give a developer some convenience? As far as I got into the overhead Netbeans require I'm not sure if it's the right IDE for me - but I couldn't get Eclipse to even launch properly, let alone set up a project.


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