First of all, I'm just a happy NetBeans user.

Second of all, this is just my opinion.

So let me try to understand your problem first.

1. You crashed what appears to be a Windows data and programs disk

This is different than where your user profile is stored. I understand
this, since I do the same thing to minimize usage of a small OS SSD drive.

2. You reinstalled NetBeans on a new disk

3. You recovered your NetBeans projects on a new disk

The problem is that the 'Recent Projects' list links to the wrong
location. I'm guessing that this is the case since either drive letters
have changed or directories have changed.

In addition, there may be a lot of issues with the cache.

The best solution is to:

1. Ignore the 'Recent Projects' list until you've opened 10 or more projects

As Gj has pointed out, editing the file is not
something that should be done. I confess that I've done it, but it's not

Just don't do it.

2. Before starting NetBeans, delete the cache directory.

In short, both will be rebuilt properly by NetBeans as you use the IDE.

As to your setting a target below 6 with JDK 11: - you can't. This is a
JDK limitation.

If you want to compile (and be proper) a J2EE 2.5 project, with source
and target set to 1.5 (in Maven parlance), then you have one option that
I can see.

a. Install JDK / JRE 8 along with JDK / JRE 11.
b. In Tools->Java Platforms, register the JDK 8 platform
c. In the project Properties->Build->Compile panel, configure the
project to use  the registered JDK 8 Java Platform

I do this all the time, as I'm trying to get a company I consult for to
move from J2EE 2.5 / Tomcat 7 to servlet spec 4 and Tomcat 9.

I do this on Windows 10 Professional, with the last Oracle JRE / JDK 8
and AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6 installed from the zip file.

The only time things get unpleasant is if I try to build a JDK 5 project
from the command line, since my default Java is 11.0.6.

. . . just my two cents

On 2/19/2020 3:56 PM, cryptearth wrote:
> I know at least someone will feel offended no matter how polite I try to
> write my response, hence I try to just repeat the question instead of
> responding to the reply (I guess someone who read carefully might notice
> what I mean and try to avoid to say out loud):
> Is there a way to (re-)set the default projects folder?
> And why is it that almost any answer you get when you ask google about
> this very topic points to file I mentioned?
> Matt
> Am 20.02.2020 um 00:23 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
>> Do not change that file, do not touch it.
>> The file you need, if what you want is define the JDK to use to start
>> NetBeans, is "etc/netbeans.conf" in the installation directory.
>> Gj
>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:22 AM cryptearth <
>> <>> wrote:
>>     Well, I wrote my mail to soon before even try it myself - as I
>>     have to add: No matter what I put into the mentioned properties
>>     file it doesn't change the default path NB uses. I also tried to
>>     find it in other config files and even in the windows registry -
>>     but had no luck. So, as manual edit a config file referred to on
>>     many resulst found by google, and as there seem no option in the
>>     GUI I can change - how do I change the default folder?
>>     Matt
>>     Am 20.02.2020 um 00:18 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
>>>     Np, you never need to edit "".
>>>     Gj
>>>     On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 11:12 PM cryptearth
>>>     < <>> wrote:
>>>         So, as I had to recover from a hard disk crash I had NB 11.2
>>>         set up
>>>         again but didn't got any dialog about default project folder.
>>>         As I got
>>>         through google this has to be done manual by editing the file
>>> located in
>>> userhome/appdata/roaming/netbeans/11.2/config/preferences/org/netbeans/modules.
>>>         I have found several topics as early as NB 6.x.
>>>         Two simple questions:
>>>         1) Why and why wasn't there any change since at least NB 6.x?
>>>         2) Is there any hidden way to change this via the GUI?
>>>         There're several other things the GUI doesn't handle as it
>>>         should, for
>>>         example allow setting target java version below 6 when a
>>>         compiler
>>>         version 11 or higher is used, as since v11 compiling is only
>>>         supported
>>>         down to v6 -> compile failure. Isn't an IDE supposed to give
>>>         a developer
>>>         some convenience? As far as I got into the overhead Netbeans
>>>         require I'm
>>>         not sure if it's the right IDE for me - but I couldn't get
>>>         Eclipse to
>>>         even launch properly, let alone set up a project.
>>>         Matt
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