I don't really understand why you described a disk crash, recovery, and
then said that the default project folder wasn't to your liking / wasn't
easy to change.

Instead, how about the following:

I would like to change the default location of where File->New Project
creates projects. I didn't find an easy or effective way to do this. Is
there one?

Can we have a start-up switch (somewhat like Eclipse) that allows us to
chose a base project location? Or maybe a GUI in Tools->Options that
allows us to set it easily? I will be happy to discuss my use case on
the mailing list. Thanks.

Is the above an accurate description of your issue? If it is, that
sounds like a simple (and possibly reasonable) request.

Personally, I don't mind browsing around to a different location during
project creation. Since I store different clusters of projects in
different parent directories, browsing around to open projects is part
of my normal work flow. YMMV

. . . just my two cents.

On 2/19/2020 9:22 PM, cryptearth wrote:
> TBH I didn'T read all of your reply, but from the first few lines I did
> read: no, you got me wrong.
> My question is as simple as that: Is it possible, and if so: How?, to
> change the default project folder where new projects supposed to get
> created on disk? I didn't found any setting in whatever the GUI gives me
> (as someone else on this list a few ago said: "Netbeans is basically a
> graphical wrapper around maven.") and I didn't found any config file.
> The one mentioned on many search results on the net doesn'T seem to have
> an effect either, and the other user replied to my question seem to
> didn't got my question at all and pointed me to a file wich has nothing
> to do with per-user settings at all.
> Yes, Netbeans has many flaws - and obvious a lot of them exists since
> 15(!) years (I found a bug report wich evolved into a discusion from
> back late 2004 about this very topic). Is it really that much to ask
> just for a simple input dialog right at the first time start up where
> the user wants his default project location to be? And is it that hard
> to at least somewhat follow the style many graphical programms followed
> for the past three decades where you have a menu bar, starting with
> File, then Edit, then maybe some more, and end with Extras and Help -
> and to just put an "options" or "settings" into one of those - and offer
> the same settings dialog as mentioned before? How old is Netbeans? 15+
> years? And it's menus are that - sorry to say it this directly:
> immature? It's like an early not feature complete alpha where someone
> couldn't decide just where to put it.
> Back to modern days: Java 11 doesn't allow compiling for Java 5 any
> more. It's a simple if() just to check for the version of the compiler -
> and if it's 11 or above set the minimum target compiling level to at
> least 6 and disable any lower versions. C'mon - don't tell me 100s of
> devs could get this done in the time this exists.
> All made fun about me cause I'm using just a simple editor with some
> basic syntax highlight and a terminal to compile. If I see what a mess
> and overhead all this fancy IDEs and build-tools costs - wich in fact
> they're supposed to do for the dev - not in addition to it - what's the
> benefit of wasting time to figure out how to get around simplest fails
> done in every beginners for dummies book?
> I'm done with it - back to the old style - that at least did what I told
> to do ..
> Am 20.02.2020 um 03:45 schrieb Mark Eggers:
>> First of all, I'm just a happy NetBeans user.
>> Second of all, this is just my opinion.
>> So let me try to understand your problem first.
>> 1. You crashed what appears to be a Windows data and programs disk
>> This is different than where your user profile is stored. I understand
>> this, since I do the same thing to minimize usage of a small OS SSD
>> drive.
>> 2. You reinstalled NetBeans on a new disk
>> 3. You recovered your NetBeans projects on a new disk
>> The problem is that the 'Recent Projects' list links to the wrong
>> location. I'm guessing that this is the case since either drive letters
>> have changed or directories have changed.
>> In addition, there may be a lot of issues with the cache.
>> The best solution is to:
>> 1. Ignore the 'Recent Projects' list until you've opened 10 or more
>> projects
>> As Gj has pointed out, editing the projectui.properties file is not
>> something that should be done. I confess that I've done it, but it's not
>> trivial.
>> Just don't do it.
>> 2. Before starting NetBeans, delete the cache directory.
>> In short, both will be rebuilt properly by NetBeans as you use the IDE.
>> As to your setting a target below 6 with JDK 11: - you can't. This is a
>> JDK limitation.
>> If you want to compile (and be proper) a J2EE 2.5 project, with source
>> and target set to 1.5 (in Maven parlance), then you have one option that
>> I can see.
>> a. Install JDK / JRE 8 along with JDK / JRE 11.
>> b. In Tools->Java Platforms, register the JDK 8 platform
>> c. In the project Properties->Build->Compile panel, configure the
>> project to use  the registered JDK 8 Java Platform
>> I do this all the time, as I'm trying to get a company I consult for to
>> move from J2EE 2.5 / Tomcat 7 to servlet spec 4 and Tomcat 9.
>> I do this on Windows 10 Professional, with the last Oracle JRE / JDK 8
>> and AdoptOpenJDK 11.0.6 installed from the zip file.
>> The only time things get unpleasant is if I try to build a JDK 5 project
>> from the command line, since my default Java is 11.0.6.
>> . . . just my two cents
>> /mde/
>> On 2/19/2020 3:56 PM, cryptearth wrote:
>>> I know at least someone will feel offended no matter how polite I try to
>>> write my response, hence I try to just repeat the question instead of
>>> responding to the reply (I guess someone who read carefully might notice
>>> what I mean and try to avoid to say out loud):
>>> Is there a way to (re-)set the default projects folder?
>>> And why is it that almost any answer you get when you ask google about
>>> this very topic points to file I mentioned?
>>> Matt
>>> Am 20.02.2020 um 00:23 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
>>>> Do not change that file, do not touch it.
>>>> The file you need, if what you want is define the JDK to use to start
>>>> NetBeans, is "etc/netbeans.conf" in the installation directory.
>>>> Gj
>>>> On Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 12:22 AM cryptearth <cryptea...@cryptearth.de
>>>> <mailto:cryptea...@cryptearth.de>> wrote:
>>>>      Well, I wrote my mail to soon before even try it myself - as I
>>>>      have to add: No matter what I put into the mentioned properties
>>>>      file it doesn't change the default path NB uses. I also tried to
>>>>      find it in other config files and even in the windows registry -
>>>>      but had no luck. So, as manual edit a config file referred to on
>>>>      many resulst found by google, and as there seem no option in the
>>>>      GUI I can change - how do I change the default folder?
>>>>      Matt
>>>>      Am 20.02.2020 um 00:18 schrieb Geertjan Wielenga:
>>>>>      Np, you never need to edit "projectui.properties".
>>>>>      Gj
>>>>>      On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 11:12 PM cryptearth
>>>>>      <cryptea...@cryptearth.de <mailto:cryptea...@cryptearth.de>>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>          So, as I had to recover from a hard disk crash I had NB 11.2
>>>>>          set up
>>>>>          again but didn't got any dialog about default project folder.
>>>>>          As I got
>>>>>          through google this has to be done manual by editing the file
>>>>>          projectui.properties located in
>>>>> userhome/appdata/roaming/netbeans/11.2/config/preferences/org/netbeans/modules.
>>>>>          I have found several topics as early as NB 6.x.
>>>>>          Two simple questions:
>>>>>          1) Why and why wasn't there any change since at least NB 6.x?
>>>>>          2) Is there any hidden way to change this via the GUI?
>>>>>          There're several other things the GUI doesn't handle as it
>>>>>          should, for
>>>>>          example allow setting target java version below 6 when a
>>>>>          compiler
>>>>>          version 11 or higher is used, as since v11 compiling is only
>>>>>          supported
>>>>>          down to v6 -> compile failure. Isn't an IDE supposed to give
>>>>>          a developer
>>>>>          some convenience? As far as I got into the overhead Netbeans
>>>>>          require I'm
>>>>>          not sure if it's the right IDE for me - but I couldn't get
>>>>>          Eclipse to
>>>>>          even launch properly, let alone set up a project.
>>>>>          Matt
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