There's a lot of assumptions here, without seeing the document nobody can fix it. Opening a doc file in OpenOffice doesn't convert the unstructured Microsoft Word file into a structured OpenOffice file, which works best if you work with Styles. Unless you clean-up the document you will have problems.


On 4/12/2012 12:39 PM, James Plante wrote:
It's a computer, for chrissake. It doesn't (or shouldn't) care how long a 
document is. Programs fault because of either logic errors or runtime errors. 
In this case, it looks like memory management may be at fault, or maybe a 
dangling pointer or something. I don't really have any idea. Maybe it's just an 
integer out of range somewhere, or a bollixed-up hash table. It's way over my 
pay grade to fix it, but someone with the necessary knowledge can d/l Neo's 
source code (it's based on OOo) and see how Patrick (Neo's sole engineer) 
addressed the problem.

At any rate, if word processing is mission-critical, and the word processor 
fails in one operation, should you trust it with critical work? And if it can 
keep straight the complexity of a master doc, it should be able to keep track 
of a single document. One of the reasons I *don't* use master docs is because 
of the extra work needed to cross-reference various parts of a report, e.g., on 
page 24, see cost analysis in Appendix C, page 98. (And page 98 keeps 
incrementing as your document grows; it finally ends up being on page 210--and 
your cross-reference reflects that.)

I really, really like AOO, but if it faults out on long docs, I'll keep using 
Neo until it works without failing.

On Dec 3, 2012, at 7:22 PM, VA <> wrote:

I wonder if it might be helpful to save larger works into smaller chunks and 
then use the Master Document feature to bring them all together. It takes some 
getting used to, but once learned, it has some neat advantages to trying to 
edit several hundred pages in one file.


-----Original Message----- From: James Plante
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2012 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: ack! Mac Viewing Issues

I've had a similar problem with OOo on the Mac. Got about 170 pages of a 200+ 
page report done, and the program wouldn't save the file. It started the 
aberrant behavior you describe. I closed the file, and opened it in NeoOffice, 
a dedicated Mac version of OOO. Worked fine. Find NeoOffice at It costs $10 to d/l, but if it 
saves your book, it's worth it.

Jim Plante

On Dec 3, 2012, at 2:47 PM, damali ayo <> wrote:

My apologies Hagar, I did not see that link.

I did change the user profile and it is still acting the same strange way.

What i find most odd, is how the notes seem to be in the doc, but don't show up 
until i click them. Other things I wrote in the notes section appear then too. 
It's like a hide and seek game. That's why i think the information is all 

Is there any other program that you suggest i use to complete work on this 
manuscript? Will a new version of MS word be able to import the .odt file?

Thanks, i think that's my last question, since nothing has changed. :(


Profile location is given here (same topic):
There is a link to that post in the very post I've linked.


Le 03/12/2012 21:32, damali ayo a écrit :


How do i do this in mac? The link you send does not detail that process.


Have you tried to reset the profile? It may help.


Le 03/12/2012 21:15, damali ayo a écrit :

Thanks! I so appreciate your thoughts.

I had already saved in .odt quite a few times, this was even a "save as" .odt 
file i was working on. I had imported it from .doc over a week (and many many saves) ago. 
I had not gone back to .doc at all.

I don't have any photos. I do have a table of contents, several sections (14) 
and endnotes. I increased the memory to support this (great tip!), quit and 
restarted the program, but the problems persist.

I forgot to mention a symptom...i noticed it was acting strange when i tried to 
highlight several lines in the endnotes and it only let me highlight random 
portion. So I closed the doc and re-opened. That's when everything went 

Other ideas?


First, save in native ODF (.odt).
Remember that the .doc import/export filters have been reverse engineered, you 
may face some troubles by continuing using this format.
Always work in .odt and export in .doc when needed only. This way you keep a 
secure copy of your document.

If your document has a lot of objects (pictures, ...), try to increase the memory 
settings (Tools>Preferences>OOo>Memory).

If no change, you can try to reset your user profile but I doubt it will change 
anything in your case:


Le 03/12/2012 20:55, damali ayo a écrit :

Hello Forum,

I have been chugging along on a 300 page manuscript in Open Office. I brought 
it into OO from an old (I mean old) version of word. All was going well until a 
few minutes ago when OO seemed to be reading my document very strangely. The 
header disappeared, the endnotes half-disappeared, and when I click on a number 
in the text for a note, it takes me to the note at the end but then others are 
missing. I have no idea what happened or why. When I open the document anew it 
positions me somewhere in the middle of it.

I have the sense that it's a viewing issue, and the file isn't actually screwed least I hope so. I have no other way of opening it though.

I quit OO, restarted my computer, and no changes.
It's slightly terrifying. I've been working on this book for over a year. Any 
help would be angelic, truly.


Involved participants:
Mac OS 10.5.8
Microsoft word v.X for mac (yes i need an entirely new computer, I know)
OpenOffice 3

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