John Jason Jordan wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion.

You are welcome.

> I installed the Zotero plugin in Firefox and then registered an account
> with WorldCat. Then I added a few books as an experiment. It was not
> able locate an older book for which I had only a Library of Congress
> number (no ISBN number). Tellico had located this book, but evidently
> Zotero does not use LOC numbers. When Tellico found the book it also
> found an ISBN number for it, so I tried that in Zotero, but it still
> could not find the book. It is very important to me to be able to look
> up books by ISBN or LOC number and have Zotero add them to my
> collection. Otherwise I have to type all the information in manually,
> which is a major effort considering that I have several thousand books
> to catalog.

So, if I understand this right, you are in the process of building a
catalog of books and you do not already have a catalog of books. Is that

Have you looked at the section "When Zotero Senses Items on a Web Page"
on web page? This
should get most of your work done easily.

 But this is of course to add on a single item currently on your web page.

Furthermore, if you already have a database to be imported in to Zotero,
perhaps this will help: "Importing Records From Other Reference Tools"

> More important, I cannot figure out how to get the bibliography that I
> created in my Zotero account into a Writer document. I got the
> extension installed, and when I open a new document the Zotero toolbar
> is displayed, but now what do I do?

That is quite easy if you see the screen cast linked here:

But here is basic method in pictures under "Using The Plugin" section:

For users how do not have the word processor plugins installed, this
might be helpful:

Finally, you can try to get help on their forums web page. You have
already created an account so you can participate in the discussions
right away.

Good luck and warm regards.

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