NoOp wrote:
> On 10/02/2008 09:25 AM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> [snips]
>> could not find the book. It is very important to me to be able to look
>> up books by ISBN or LOC number and have Zotero add them to my
>> collection. Otherwise I have to type all the information in manually,
>> which is a major effort considering that I have several thousand books
>> to catalog.
> Have you considered looking at an opensource library system instead?
> Perhaps something like koha etc:
> Even it's for personal use, you might find it easier to use MySQL and an
> opensource library frontend that is specifically designed for this sort
> of thing rather than trying to enter everything in OOo.

I have installed Koha in the recent past for somebody. I can confirm
that Zotero can detect a bib item on a Koha library catalog page and
show an icon in the URL bar that lets you add the item to your Zotero

However, installing Koha just for this purpose (to maintain a list of
books to be in turn maintained in Zotero) seems to be extreme overkill
and redundant.

To the OP, John, the best bet IMHO seems to be to search for a book or
article or any other bib item on some library catalog (or multiple
catalogs to get the item record) using Firefox and then click the Zotero
"add item" button that should appear in the URL bar of Firefox. That
bitem-item-detection works on my univ. library page and also on the Koha
webpage which resides no a home computer. Pretty neat, I'd say.

BTW, could you please let us know how it goes? Zotero seems to be one
the best things available for biblio. stuff in OOo at present. Plus,
their Sync Preview is really cool, it lets you sync your Zotero
databases in multiple computers to your library stored at one place!


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