Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Feb 2009, NoOp wrote:
>                  ............snip............
>> Not a whole lot that can be done about it... notice at the bottom of
>> the page:
>                   .............snip..............
>> Now the above might be somewhat OK if these guys actually provided
>> product support and their own servers to host the downloads. But I
>> can pretty much guarantee that they don't host any of it, and
>> instead use OOo's volunteered, free, limited resources, mirrors to
>> link the "customer" to. This includes state university servers in
>> the US where it is illegal to make money off of software or services
>> provided on those servers without written consent.
> How about a notice on the download page to the effect that the product
> is free and anyone that paid to receive the link should demand their
> money back and/or contact their credit card company?

You know ... that's not a bad idea!  Such information could also be 
added to a readme or other file in the download package so it would 
appear onscreen at install time; perhaps at the ref to the licensing 
   It can't be done vengefully though; all the wording would have to be 
clear and concise without malice, but making it clear the user should 
not have had to pay for the software.
  I HAVE seen a web site that offered OOo and claimed to add value to 
it, and apparently actually did so, based on the accompanying software 
bundle.  OOo was sort of just part of the bundle and value added 
"somethings" were added to it.  It looked legit, and interesting, but 
I'm not prone to spending money just to verify something is a good deal 
unless it's a good deal to ME<g>!



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