Robert Holtzman wrote:
> On Sun, 1 Mar 2009, Twayne wrote:
>> Robert Holtzman wrote:
>                ...........snip.........
>>> How about a notice on the download page to the effect that the
>>> product is free and anyone that paid to receive the link should
>>> demand their money back and/or contact their credit card company?
>> You know ... that's not a bad idea!  Such information could also be
>> added to a readme or other file in the download package so it would
>> appear onscreen at install time; perhaps at the ref to the licensing
>> rules.
> Aw shucks. Twernt nuthin.
>>   It can't be done vengefully though; all the wording would have to
>> be clear and concise without malice, but making it clear the user
>> should not have had to pay for the software.
>>  I HAVE seen a web site that offered OOo and claimed to add value to
>> it, and apparently actually did so, based on the accompanying
>> software bundle.  OOo was sort of just part of the bundle and value
>> added "somethings" were added to it.  It looked legit, and
>> interesting, but I'm not prone to spending money just to verify
>> something is a good deal unless it's a good deal to ME<g>!
> Make the notice *prominent* and include verbiage about value added
> being legitimate.
> And just what the hell is wrong with vengefully? The scum deserve it.

Well, that's only my own opinion, but ... a "company" such as OOo should 
never take a vengeful stance on anything.  Firm and concise, yes, but 
not with vengence.
   Now, if it were ME, or you, perhaps a little venceance might go a 
long ways, but ... I would think a lot less of any organization that 
went about vengefully confronting anything.
   Or was that a rhetorical comment<g>.


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