On Mon, 2 Mar 2009, Twayne wrote:

Robert Holtzman wrote:


And just what the hell is wrong with vengefully? The scum deserve it.

Well, that's only my own opinion, but ... a "company" such as OOo should
never take a vengeful stance on anything.  Firm and concise, yes, but
not with vengence.
  Now, if it were ME, or you, perhaps a little venceance might go a
long ways, but ... I would think a lot less of any organization that
went about vengefully confronting anything.
  Or was that a rhetorical comment<g>.

You're undoubtedly right. It's just that I hate to see someone taken advantage of to line someone else's pocket, which is exactly what these swine are doing to the contributors of this list.

When I get wound up like this I usually sit quietly with my eyes closed and imagine the sensation of the offending party(s) trachea collapsing under my thumbs. Very soothing.

Bob Holtzman
Light a man's fire and he will be warm for a night.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.

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