On Thu, 07 May 2009 13:31:03 +0300
Came this utterance formulated by Dotan Cohen to my mailbox:

> > Thought this might be of interest even if OT.
> >
> You might want to see this discussion:
> http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/05/02/199203&from=rss
> And especially this link:
> http://www.archivum.info/comp.os.linux.advocacy/2008-08/msg00757.html
> In summary, OOo ODF documents will not be compatible with MSO ODF
> documents. And that's fine: it's be cause of incomplete specifications
> on the part of ODF and bugs in OOo.
> MSO formats have a reference implementation: MSO itself. ODF has no
> reference implementation, and OOo is _not_ a reference implementation
> by any means. Due to MSO's foothold in the field, it _may_ be wise for
> OOo to follow MSO's example in ODF implementation. That is, to use MSO
> as the reference implementation. Thoughts?

Microsoft has broken compatability and interoperability with not just
one existing program but several.

I'd like to also point out that the original press release by Microsoft
about Office SP2 had the subtitle "Move enhances customer choice and
interoperability with Microsoft's flagship productivity suite."
It does not do that.

They have come in late in the life of ODF V1.1 with a version that
breaks on many existing documents. Version 1.1 is a document format not
under ongoing development. 

V1.2 is developing the reference implementation being talked about.
Version 1.2 is the next version to go through ISO/IEC standardisation
and now the OASIS TC have capped the feature creep issue it should
proceed apace.

So to Tim Smiths suggestions i reply - this is an established format
with existing interoperability between multiple software
implementations. What Microsoft has done is run in and spike the
football on the playing field, then ask "Now, who wants to play with my
ball?". It is the boundary line between steps one and two of Embrace,
Extend and Extinguish.


All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall
be well

 - Julian of Norwich 1342 - 1416

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