The reason that I raised this in the first place was to raise awareness
of the problem. 

The problem is this: Suppose you have a thread whose heading is simply
[users][moderated] which is not that uncommon. A problem is posed then
someone makes a statement like "Why don't you try such and such with
another few lines of explanation". If the replies are inserted at the
beginning of the message then people who are looking at the emails
arriving in their inbox see a solution or a comment to a problem that
it is not easy to see without scrolling down.

This is not a problem if you're just talking to Aunt Maude because you
presumably can remember what you are talking about. But on a list where
you have several thousand people listening to the conversation nobody
can remember who was talking about what. In that situation if people
intersperse their replies with the original question, or put the reply
after the original question, then other members of the list will
firstly see the original question, then put it into context with the

It may well be that someone has a better solution to the original
question never reads it because they don't see it, because all the
top-posted replies have pushed the original question off the screen.

the [users] [moderated] posts are especially problematic as there is
nothing to distinguish them from any other with the same topic. So you
might get a dozen emails with the same subject land in your inbox at
once, with comments that seem to be totally cryptic and certainly
unrelated to each other, and without going to the effort of scrolling
down and unwinding the conversation you can't tell if the particular
subject is of interest at all. In that case, most readers just don't

So, in a sense top posting becomes very counter-productive, especially
on high volume lists such as this. On some less tolerant lists than
this one, people who top post are given very terse reminders of what
the rules are.

In my opinion, it's not about arbitrary rules but rather about making
the list work more effectively in answering people's questions.

God bless you,

Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
Narrabri NSW 2390

Phone: 02 67924890
Fax: 02 67925418

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