Not being a "net newbie" I still prefer that the reply to emails in a
thread be at the top of the message so I don't have to scroll through
a bunch o' junk to get to the reply.

That is because most people who reply to email are lazy cretins who include all of the mail that they are replying to (usually including multiple disclaimers, etc).

The proper way is to only include the part of the email that is relevant to the point(s) that you are replying to, and then interleave your replies on a point by point basis.

My idea is that the proper way to reply to mails is to select only those that are worth it and to not insult people in the reply. People who fail to do that are the lazy cretins.

I have taken this up with many people, the reply is usually ''I haven't got time to do that'' -- the result is that due to their laziness they condemn all their readers to waste time trying to work out what is relevant and what relates to what.

Nobody is condemned to anything. [delete] is all you have to do with the lazy cretins. Nobody's saying that because you get something in your box you must read it to the end, or even reply to it. Believing that puts you very close to the same level as those lazy cretins.

It is sheer arrogance to assume that your time is more valuable than that of those who read your email. In truth the usual result is that such replies are not properly
read - if at all.

Maybe it is sheer arogance to assume that insulting people on a public list and wasting one's time and others' with pointless mails will actually solve anything.

Alain Williams
Parliament Hill Computers Ltd.
Linux Consultant - Mail systems, Web sites, Networking, Programmer, IT Lecturer.

The irony of being an "IT Lecturer"... I suppose you are more persuasive when you actually charge money. Maybe you should stick to that way of doing things. Only lecture people when they ask you to do so.

JC Helary

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