Harold Fuchs wrote:
On Saturday, January 06, 2007 5:31 PM [GMT+1=CET], Robert Smits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 06 January 2007 03:54, Arnold Huzen wrote:
For the time being it is 3 to 1 in favour for another setup in this

Well, here's a vote for retaining mailing lists. I detest web based
forums, all with their own format, and usually unbearably slow.

The thing we need to sort out is how do we best serve the users of
OpenOffice. Generally people do not read FAQ's, do not read manuals.
So by forcing them to subscribe to a mailinglist with up to hundreds
of unwanted e-mails a day does not bring them the support they want.

It's very easy to filter all my Open Office Emails into a single
folder, and then follow the threads I want to look at. The only
improvement I'd see is to have three mailing lists one for Linux, one
for Mac and one for Windows, but I'm perfectly OK with just one.

Without in any way intending to be condescending it really seems to me that the people asking the "dumb" questions of this list are hardly likely to be sophisticated enough users to be able to set up mail filters. They are probably also not willing to spend the time to learn how; they have jobs to do or theses to write which, believe it or not, do not involve them in becoming computer geeks like us. And why should they have to filter the garbage mail we send them? They'd still have to plough through all the dross before finding that, today, there is nothing useful. In addition, it's going to come as a rude shock to most of them that 1/2 hour after subscribing to our list they are suddenly inundated with rubbish which they might want to consider filtering in the first place.


Harold Fuchs
London, England

Hey, All,

It is long past time to move this thread to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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