On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 15:37:36 PM -0700, James Mckenzie ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Marco:
> Answers to your comments below:

No need to send each message twice if you can avoid it, thanks.
Getting it through the list is enough.  Interlaced answers are also
easier to understand for newcomers or people reading this in the
archives. This said:

> The problem is not the method of support but rather that folks think
> because OpenOffice.org was started by Sun that we are providing
> support on a paid basis.

Hmm.. sorry, did the comment I made to your post really appear like I
think you made such a statement? If yes, it really wasn't my

> And I don't want to eliminate the mailing list either, I just want
> to make it more useful.

No problem here, I hate web forums. I agree with you on this, I
thought it was already clear. As for "designing an help page",
probably it would be almost as effective, and much faster to do,
writing in bold, red letters "THIS IS ONLY VOLUNTEER SUPPORT" or
similar right above the links to the address of this list.


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