
Answers to your comments below:

Yes, it is sufficient to answer one or two messages directly to the original 
poster.  However, I am not nor
will I ever be, in the 'business' of answering questions for  
This is exactly what happens when
folks are of the opinion that we are a paid support staff and not volunteers.  
That is why I made the comment about redoing the 
the readme to ensure that users of are aware that this is an 
Open Source project, not affiliated with Sun
Microsystems and that support is completely voluntary and at the digression of 
those who read and reply
on the mailing list.  Adding web forums or other forms of archival retrieval 
with a web page at would
go a long way to let a new user know that there is support and an archive of 
prior postings.  Also, it may allow someone
who does not want to subscribe to answer questions and provide assistance.  The 
problem is not the method of support
but rather that folks think because was started by Sun that we 
are providing support on a paid basis.

And I don't want to eliminate the mailing list either, I just want to make it 
more useful.  Answering the same question
fifty times does get to you (and I had to do this at my workplace when I worked 
in a call center.)

Anyone want to design a user help page (or is there one there already that we 
can use for this purpose)?

James McKenzie

-----Original Message-----
>From: "M. Fioretti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Jan 7, 2007 11:21 AM
>Subject: Re: [users] Forced Registration For This List (was Re: [users] Return 
>On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 12:54:00 PM +0100, Arnold Huzen
>> So by forcing them to subscribe to a mailinglist with up to
>> hundreds of unwanted e-mails a day does not bring them the support
>> they want.
>A solution to answer (decently formatted) questions from unsubscribed
>users without unnecessary messages to the lists or any extra work from
>moderators and volunteers has been posted 2/3 times in the last 2
>> It's the customer satisfaction that we must search for in the first
>> place.
>"Customer satisfaction" and "volunteer support" are two concepts that
>don't really match. You can't expect the same attitude versus
>"customers" from volunteers and paid people.
>The right way to make everybody love Free Standards and Free Software:
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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