M. Fioretti schreef:
> On Sat, Jan 06, 2007 12:54:00 PM +0100, Arnold Huzen
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> So by forcing them to subscribe to a mailinglist with up to
>> hundreds of unwanted e-mails a day does not bring them the support
>> they want.
> A solution to answer (decently formatted) questions from unsubscribed
> users without unnecessary messages to the lists or any extra work from
> moderators and volunteers has been posted 2/3 times in the last 2
> years.
If you mean by this that the unsubscribed user has to set an email filter so 
only replies to his own message get to his mailbox, then that's just the thing 
we're fighting against here. We want users to subscribe for a more speedy way 
of getting their questions to the list, but not the disadvantage for the newby 
to receive all the other answers and questions on the mailinglist.
>> It's the customer satisfaction that we must search for in the first
>> place.
> "Customer satisfaction" and "volunteer support" are two concepts that
> don't really match. You can't expect the same attitude versus
> "customers" from volunteers and paid people.
In this context we're just looking at being polite and understanding the 
problem of the questioneer. Also giving an appropriate answer as soon as 
possible fits in as well.

Arnold Huzen

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