*Daniel Pantoja* typed up the following on 09-Nov-07 18:51 (GMT +11):

Hi, I'm a new user of the product and I'm curious; what's the purpose of 
developing OpenOffice? It seems there's already a couple of Microsoft solutions 
out there for folks who need word processing, database, spreadsheet 
capabilities; just wondering why the push to develop this suite.

Thanks for yoru consideration; I look forward to your response.

Daniel & Aimee Pantoja

OpenOffice is free to download and use. Here in Australia, Micosoft Office costs from $300 to $600 depending on which package you get. You do the math <grin>.

As a long time corporate user of MS products, I'm very glad to have migrated my own business to OpenOffice. The overall package has much better integration between applications, I find it easier to use, and there are functions that are simply not available in MS Office (the Navigator being the one that I use the most).

Klaas Visser

Using OpenOffice.org 2.3
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