hi all
it seems there are a few of us here who started in the old paper tape and punch card days of very early machines.Mine were Honeywell.
bill purvis wrote:
On Monday 19 November 2007, Scott Castaline wrote:
bill purvis wrote:
Dan, see my latest reponse to Drew. I'm very much a novice at
Ubuntu/Debian and my experience is still limited (but still willing to
learn). I was brought up on RedHat! (Not actually true - I was brought up
on paper tape based operating systems, about 40 years before Linux).

Paper tape is better than manually entering the os by hand on a set of
toggle switches and buttons------------

Are you thinking in terms of the PDP-8? I was part of the team that rebuilt the Manchester Baby (predecessor
or the Mark I) for the 50th anniversary of stored program computers.
For that you have to key in the whole program, not even paper tape
after you've keyed in the bootstrap.
I have to admit, we cheated slightly and interfaced it to a PC
which forces a store image into the memory on request, thereby
avoiding the long error-prone hassle. Tom Kilburn, the designer
of the original Baby was most envious when he saw it.


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