Most every race has been enslaved at some point or other. They'd have you believe that only whites were the enslave[ers] of blacks, It goes with their evil narrative.

What, I am supposed to be offended because my ancestors in the past were enslaved by Romans or even blacks?

Do they owe me reparations? Am I offended by these terms because something happened to my ancestors and am I calling for their removal?

No, grow up!

On 7/11/2020 4:04 PM, @lbutlr wrote:
On 11 Jul 2020, at 00:51, Bill Cole <> 
On 10 Jul 2020, at 20:02, Luis E. Muñoz wrote:

On 10 Jul 2020, at 12:29, @lbutlr wrote:

If people are so fragile that they have to hold on to terms that are extremely 
offensive to some of their peers, they will get more spam. Oh noes.
I keep hearing about this mythical people that get terribly offended by the use 
of these words. I've been working in IT since the 90s, and I've never actually 
seen one in real life. Do they really exist?
"Terribly offended" is not what I've heard from anyone but the issue has been 
raised by Black colleagues a few times in multiple contexts, as Yet Another Minor 
Annoyance in a world stuffed full of such little things.
Exactly. Although in other packages and usages the one that *has* caused 
terrible offense is master/slave. Many projects have been changing this over 
the last several years.

It is astonishing, but not surprising, how angry people are over these changes 
though; it betrays at the very least a real lack of empathy.

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