People are upset because they're being called racists when they're not by a sub-group who wants dominance and makes the accusation that because you're white you're a racist. Then our peers grovel when they've done nothing wrong. They've committed NO sin.

Master/Slave wasn't thought up to OFFEND anyone nor to make any racial connotations. You are admitting guilt where there is no guilt.

As I said earlier, every race has been enslaved at one point in there existence or another. Black slave masters sold black slaves to white slave traders, and yet, I hear no call for reparations for blacks from black slave masters. No, it's only a call to whites because there's an agenda to bring down white culture.

It starts somewhere. The current battle is to remove our language and to impute guilt where there is none.

Again, grow up.

On 7/11/2020 5:23 PM, @lbutlr wrote:
Do you notice how your words are nothing more than an attack on anyone whose 
opinion differs from yours?

For the record, I know*many*  people who are perfectly sane who find using the 
terms master and slave in a technical context to be deeply offensive.

But you denigrate anyone who doesn't agree with you.

And you whine that nothing should be changed for other people because it's fine 
with you and those people are lesser than you and therefore their feelings are 

This is exactly what I meant by, "it betrays at the very least a real lack of 
empathy;" rather than make an effort to understand why people have a difference of 
opinion it is simpler to attack them and diminish them as having mental issues for daring 
to not toe to your line.

The decision has been made. Anyone who doesn't like it is free to fork their 
own version of Spamassassin, bind, and other packages for whatever reason they 
want, even the mostly trivially selfish of reasons.

-- I'm from a predominately black family --Eddie Murphy

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