On 2/17/2023 7:37 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:

Am 16.02.23 um 23:34 schrieb joe a:
I have no idea what you refer to when you state "don't user proper packages".  "Proper" in what sense? A rhetorical question.

i have no idea how you installed SA but rpm packages or debs usually have correct permissions

Oh, of course.  I installed as root initially, being foolish perhaps

you *must* install software as root because the service *must not* have write permissions to it's own binary files

but did create a specific user "later" and adjusted permissions as needed.  Or, so I thought

the real question was HOW DID YOU INSTALL it

from the first day i maintained production servers i learnt to build my own rpm packages - no matter if it's software written in C, PHP or Perl


* because you get rid of leftover files over the years
* permissions are part of te package
* the package manager dectects many conflicts

One of the first things I learned when assembling things or attempting to learn something new, is to follow the instructions and only attempt to vary from them once you absolutely understood what your were doing. Or, suffer the consequences along with the (rare) accolades for improving a process.

That said, I would never "build my own rpm package" in this context.

This is almost entirely a "home/office" system that seems low traffic.

So, I installed postfix and spamassassin initially from the OS vendor supplied packages. Over the years I applied updates from outside the OS vendor channel, from packages from "authors" sites, as the versions diverged enough to be a concern. There have been some OS updates as well and at least one transfer from one VM to another.

All this appears to be digression, to me, the issue, to me, seems to be why root sees the stuff in this @INC entity differently from how the SA user sees it.

With the insights and pointers gained in this thread, I hope to solve that sometime soon.

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