Aaron Wolfe wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 5:06 AM, Justin Mason<j...@jmason.org> wrote:
>> I've heard that they are diligent about terminating abusive clients.
>> Are you reporting these spams to them?
>> --j.
> From what I've seen, most of the traffic from them probably doesn't 
> qualify as spam by the common definition.  It is, however, stuff that 
> nobody here wants.  I'm surprised SA is giving them a pass, but there 
> have been other strange things that got a free ride through SA in the
> past, like Habeas certified junk.    

Most of the stuff we see here which comes via Constant Contact does come
under the UCE definition, but not all.

>From http://www.constantcontact.com/pricing/index.jsp , they say:

  "Monthly fee is based on the number of contacts in your email list"

There's an immediate conflict of interest - if they want to keep their
income high, they're going to encourage customers with large mailing
lists, regardless of the sources of those lists.

They do, however, encourage "permission-based email lists" (
ld-list.jsp ) - whether this meets double-opt-in criteria or not I
cannot tell.

+1 for not giving them preferential treatment.


Phil Randal | Networks Engineer
Herefordshire Council | Deputy Chief Executive's Office | I.C.T.
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email: pran...@herefordshire.gov.uk

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