On Thu, 26 Mar 2015 15:57:14 +0100
Robert Schetterer <r...@sys4.de> wrote:

> David, reject means your server dont take a mail, the sender
> mailserver may bounce it back, after some time , its not your job to
> take care of that.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I understand the difference between reject and discard.
What I cannot understand is why you (seem to?) think that "rejecting"
mail because of unwanted content is legal, but "discarding" it is not.  I
post again the English translation of the Heise article; perhaps the original
German is cleared, but anyway:

]]] If action is taken in the delivery process, with the result that the
]]] message does not reach its goal, the e-mail is "suppressed".

So purely with respect to the law, how is "reject" different from "discard"?
In either case, "action is taken" such that "the message does not reach
its goal".



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