On Sat, Jul 9, 2016, at 07:14 AM, Chip M. wrote:
> Thanks for all the lists and references, everyone! :)

Fwiw, atm I block all of the following TLDs

        accountant, accountants, adult, aero, agency, apartments, app, asia, 
associates, audio, baby, bargains, bid, bike, bingo, blog, boutique, builders, 
business, cab, cafe, cam, camera, camp, capital, cards, care, careers, cash, 
casino, catering, center, charity, chat, cheap, church, city, claims, cleaning, 
click, clinic, clothing, club, coach, codes, coffee, community, company, 
computer, condos, construction, contractors, cool, country, coupons, credit, 
creditcard, cricket, cruises, date, dating, deals, delivery, dental, diamonds, 
digital, direct, directory, discount, dog, domains, dot, download, email, 
energy, engineering, enterprises, equipment, estate, events, exchange, expert, 
exposed, express, fail, faith, farm, finance, financial, fish, fitness, 
flights, florist, football, foundation, fund, furniture, fyi, gallery, game, 
games, gifts, glass, gmbh, gold, golf, gq, graphics, gratis, gripe, group, 
guide, guru, healthcare, hockey, holdings, holiday, host, hotel, house, immo, 
industries, institute, insure, international, investments, jewelry, kim, 
kitchen, la, land, lease, legal, lgbt, life, lighting, limited, limo, link, 
loan, loans, ltd, maison, management, marketing, mba, media, memorial, men, 
mobi, money, movie, museum, music, network, news, ninja, online, partners, 
parts, party, photography, photos, pictures, pizza, place, plumbing, plus, 
porn, pro, productions, properties, pw, racing, realestate, recipes, reise, 
reisen, rentals, repair, report, restaurant, review, rocks, rodeo, rugby, run, 
salon, sarl, school, schule, science, search, services, sexy, shoes, shop, 
shop, shopping, show, singles, soccer, solar, solutions, space, sport, stream, 
style, sucks, supplies, supply, support, surgery, systems, tax, taxi, team, 
tech, technology, tennis, theater, tienda, tips, tires, today, tools, top, 
tours, town, toys, trade, training, tv, uno, vacations, ventures, viajes, 
villas, vin, vision, voyage, watch, webcam, website, win, wine, work, works, 
world, wtf, xxx, xyz, zip

That list is auto-generated.  Any & all TLDs that have sent > 100 messages 
within the last year *AND* have a spam/reject rate >= 99% get blocked by TLD, 
never get past by mail server's 'edge', and don't impose any further load on my 

Afaict, I've *never* seen a legitimate &/or opted-in email from any of them.

Couldn't be happier!


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