On Sun, 3 Oct 2021 09:07:04 -0400, Mark Phippard said:

>Homebrew and MacPorts are both listed.

I saw that, but I thought they required Xcode...

>Honestly once those projects
>supported SVN it kind of removed all of the incentive to publish a
>package. That is why we stopped providing one from CollabNet and
>removed our listing from that page. I would guess it had to do with
>why WanDisco stopped too.

I see.  Do you agree Wandisco's should be removed from the website listing at 
this point?

>If you are doing software development on OSX
>it is pretty rare to not eventually need to use Homebrew or MacPorts.
>Once you do, then installing SVN is trivial.

Most svn users at my office are not doing software development.

>I personally use Homebrew. The SVN package is all precompiled so it is
>easy to install.

Ah, so I guess Xcode is not required.  Will try...

>Myself and other SVN devs have even improved the
>formula over the years. For example, I have provided improvements over
>the years so that the JavaHL library is included by default and I
>helped to get the package fully working on the new Apple Silicon.

Thanks for your work!


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