
I didn't say this was not running well on Windows, but that it seems
easier (less work) on Linux for the same result.

If you're expecting "secured" Tomcats, you'll run your windows service
with a service account. This means that you will have to set up
properly the rights for this account to TOMCAT_BASE, TOMCAT_HOME, and
even (if I remember well) giving write access to the conf folder (EVIL
!)  because the context deploying creates a temporary file and then
needs write access. You need to break rights inheritance, and if
you're unsure of your XCACLS script, you're going to break your server
security. Setting up these rights take less than 5 minutes on Linux,
and I would like know how much time for writing a correct XCACLS
script. Every time you will right-clic to check the rights, you will
be warned that inheritance was broken and you will have more doubt
every day about what was done.

Most of Tomcat admins need to search GOOGLE to know how to make a
thread-dump. On Linux, kill -3 pid, it takes 5 seconds to learn :)

When dealing with uploaded files (particularly Office), I would take
no risk to get my server infected by a virus. A Linux running an
antivirus sounds better to me.

What you're saying sounds good, but I have been deploying Tomcat since
version 3 and it has brought me to Linux choice.

best regards,

2015-10-01 19:22 GMT+02:00 Howard W. Smith, Jr. <>:
> On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Aurélien Terrestris <>
> wrote:
>> I recommend Linux for 2 reasons :
>>  - easier to install and maintain a secured Tomcat (especially when
>> using different TOMCAT_HOME & TOMCAT_BASE, on Windows it's pretty
>> difficult to know how to secure all directories correctly) ; if you
>> have to deal with file uploading, you don't want a system which could
>> launch any exe,..
>>  - doesn't need to reboot every 3 days because of the memory
>> fragmentation or anything else
> Multiple tomcat/tomee instances are running well on Windows 2008 R2 Server
> for me.
> - does 'not' reboot every 3 days at all
> - only reboots automatically at 3am when there is a Windows update for the
> Windows 2008 R2 Server
> - my apps shut down with no issues and restart (via Windows Service for
> each tomcat/tomee instance) with no issues
> - the embedded Apache Derby database is/has never corrupted due to loss of
> power or restart (for Windows update)
> - never had to set or maintain TOMCAT_HOME and/or TOMCAT_BASE environment
> variables
> - i only set/maintain JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME environment variables
> (whenever there is a Java version update)
> - my 2 apps (and/or tomee instances) run under 500MB and 1GB of RAM,
> respectively, and CPU seem to max out between 4 to 10% (on average)
> - Java EE 6 full blown stack (JPA, JSF, JMS) running on main tomee instance
> using under 1 GB of RAM
> - Java EE 6 RESTful + JMS running on 2nd tomee instance using under 500MB
> of RAM
> - use tomcat7w.exe and tomee4restw.exe to start, stop, edit the Windows
> Services for the tomcat/tomee instances
> - Windows = piece of cake (for me)
> - as Andre' mentioned, use Remote Desktop connection to connect to the
> Windows 2008 R2 Server
> - i remove default tomcat/tomee web app (ROOT folder, etc...) and deploy my
> WAR to webapps folder
> - i'm loving tomcat/tomee on Windows Server
> - have 32 GB of RAM available, only using (approximately) 4GB because of my
> java heap settings for both tomcat/tomee settings

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