Ask and you shall be answered in detail :)

On Sun, 2006-12-24 at 11:20 -0500, David Smith wrote:

> 1. Compiling tomcat.  Why???  

Because it's FOSS why not? I might want to use a newer version of things
Tomcat is compiled against. There are tons of reasons, thus the link I
provided before. Here it is again for reference.

Me personally, I like to have control over my binaries. Gentoo is Burger
King, your way. Not whom ever made and distributed the binaries way :)

> 2. The tomcat-dbcp.jar is intended to avoid a classloader collision 
> between tomcat's built-in database pooling functions and Commons-DBCP 
> release builds.  I don't see a problem here.

Building it. It modifies and re-packages other packages sources. It
should be doing one of two things. Making their own stand alone
implementation. Which is what most JDBC drivers do. Or it should be a
binary dependency and inherit/override any conflicting classes.

Try building that jar, and you will quickly see the problem. This is not
just a Gentoo problem either. On the -dev list, packagers for both
Debian, and RPM based distros also dislike how that jar is built.

Subject: Source for Packages org.apache.tomcat.dbcp and below?

These are the types of things that only get changed for the better as
people work with the sources. IE compile from source.

On Gentoo as stated we compile everything from source. I have yet to see
another FOSS application, modifying and re-packing other sources that
way. Heck Tomcat 6.0.x re-packages Eclipses JDT compiler :( Nasty stuff,
and it's just a binary re-packaging.

> 3. Personally I would create one package with tomcat-core as close as 
> possible to what's provided by the tomcat download site and then create 
> packages for all these dependencies.  People can opt-in or opt-out of 
> the extra features at their discretion.  It would make more of the 
> already built documentation applicable to their setup.

You seem to miss entirely the fact that the "extra" stuff is necessary
and needed to BUILD/COMPILE a version of Tomcat equivalent to the
binary. Granted after compile, some of the stuff remains, and there are
extra jars linked into Tomcat's install on Gentoo. Some might call that
a convenience. However even if we remove it from runtime, it's still
needed at build time.

I would suggest anyone questioning this, to go right now and download
Tomcat sources. Then build Tomcat and you will quickly see what all I am
talking about. If you have not done the above, the rest is hear say.

> Lastly, since the main point of this message is to ask us to steer 
> Gentoo users towards you for questions,

That was hardly my point. There is obviously major lack of knowledge as
to what it takes to build Tomcat. Much less how things really are on
Gentoo. It was supposed to be informative, thus the length, as is this

>  we would welcome a 
> representative on the tomcat-users list who could respond to those 
> questions.  There shouldn't be a need to make people choose one or the 
> other and most will seek out what they perceive to be the most 
> authoritative source.

It's not about choice. It's about flow. Gentoo is downstream from
Tomcat. If one is running Gentoo, and they have a problem with any
application. The first question is, it is a Gentoo specific problem. If
so they it should be obvious where to go for help. If it's not, then
take it upstream. If unsure, check with downstream before going

Sorry if that's to logical :) Seeing as how we do things a bit
differently on Gentoo. Like adhering to FHS there will be Gentoo
specific stuff and issues. Which the thread that started all of this,
would rightly qualify for. Noise should never have been made here. Thus
my apology for that uninformed users post.

>   I see if I google for 'Gentoo tomcat' I get your 
> Tomcat guide as the first result.  Too bad google isn't used more often 
> for some of these questions.

Exactly, and the problem is most don't even take the time to do what you
did. They would rather bitch and complain. Rather than do research.
None of the information is hard to find, nor are the people behind it,
IE me :) My name and email are on the doc. I am always on IRC
#gentoo-java. I have occasionally popped into #tomcat IRC channel. I
have requested there that any bitching about Tomcat on Gentoo be
directed to us.

Mostly to not bother the rest of the Tomcat community with Gentoo
specific and/or related issues, problems, etc.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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