Stanley Wong wrote:
> My typo. The layout should look like this:
> |[tomcat home]
> |    - conf
> |        - server.xml
> |    - webapps
> |        - someApp (case IS important!)
> |            - META-INF
> |                - context.xml
> |            - (various jsps/static files)
> |            - WEB-INF
> |                - web.xml
> |                - lib
> |                    - (the postgres driver is HERE)
> |    - lib
> |        - postgres driver
> |    - common
> |        - lib
> |            - postgres driver
Just to emphasize what Chuck is trying to say, tomcat's lib directory
and your webapp's lib directory are mutually exclusive.  If a jar exists
in one, it cannot exist in the other.  In your case, the postgresql
driver should ONLY be in tomcat's lib directory and in no other tomcat
directories, including other webapps this tomcat installation might be


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