Stanley Wong wrote:
> I have other application installed that do the direct JDBC connection. 
> To simplify it, I have two applications in the Tomcat. 
>       App1: Use the direct JDBC connection. 
>       App2: Use the JNDI. 
> Therefore App1 has the postgreSQL in its lib folder. 
> Is it the issue that App2 fails to get the JNDI-JDBC connection from
> Tomcat?

Can you first confirm that you've only got the driver in ONE place:

When you've done that restart the server and check to see if both of
your applications work.

If they don't work, then ask here again, but *only* if you've followed
Chuck & David's advice to remove the driver from two of the three locations.


> Stanley 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Smith [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 1:55 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: FW: Cannot create JDBC driver of class '' for connect URL
> 'null'
> Stanley Wong wrote:
>> My typo. The layout should look like this:
>> |[tomcat home]
>> |    - conf
>> |        - server.xml
>> |    - webapps
>> |        - someApp (case IS important!)
>> |            - META-INF
>> |                - context.xml
>> |            - (various jsps/static files)
>> |            - WEB-INF
>> |                - web.xml
>> |                - lib
>> |                    - (the postgres driver is HERE)
>> |    - lib
>> |        - postgres driver
>> |    - common
>> |        - lib
>> |            - postgres driver
> Just to emphasize what Chuck is trying to say, tomcat's lib directory
> and your webapp's lib directory are mutually exclusive.  If a jar exists
> in one, it cannot exist in the other.  In your case, the postgresql
> driver should ONLY be in tomcat's lib directory and in no other tomcat
> directories, including other webapps this tomcat installation might be
> hosting.
> --David
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