Stanley Wong wrote:
> I have other application installed that do the direct JDBC connection. 
> To simplify it, I have two applications in the Tomcat. 
>       App1: Use the direct JDBC connection. 
>       App2: Use the JNDI. 
> Therefore App1 has the postgreSQL in its lib folder. 
> Is it the issue that App2 fails to get the JNDI-JDBC connection from
> Tomcat?
> Stanley 
You are lucky you haven't had a problem yet with that setup so far.  It
typically causes a conflict and weird errors to have any jar file in
both tomcat's lib folder and a webapp's lib folder.  Remove the
postgresql driver jar in App1 and it will still work because it'll start
using the one in tomcat's lib folder.

The error you are getting *typically* is the result of a mismatch of
jndi names between all the different places it's entered, but not
always.  It's also frequently caused by <Context ... ></Context> xml
fragments in server.xml or tomcat's conf/[Engine name]/[Host name]
(typically conf/Catalina/localhost) overriding the one in your webapp's
META-INF/context.xml file.

One last thought while I'm typing here ... take a look at your logs
around the time tomcat starts to see if there's anything in there that
might be related.


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