On Thu, 15 Nov 2007, mraible wrote:
> FWIW, I'd like to replace the pros and cons (my opinions) with some that are
> more accurate. As users of Wicket, I'd love to hear from you and get your
> opinions on the top 3 pros and cons of Wicket. 

- excellent markup previewability and separation of concerns
- excellent testability (easy to get high developer testing
  coverage for UI code)
- easy to add AJAX functionality with no or little
- programming is done in java, not in XML or HTML

- steep learning curve
- not a standard (this hinders adoption because of
  bureaucratic and/or political reasons, though is bound to
  give technical advantage. Think JPA annotations vs
  Hibernate annotations)
- newness, which shows in API instability (2.0 branch,
  hopefully getting resolved) and lack of recommended
  practices (AJAX refresh srategies, chaining multiple
  behaviors, editing Hibernate-persisted data, ...)

We need better programming, not ways to make implementing
bad design more easily.

After having used Wicket for a year I don't want to go back.

Best wishes,

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