> * Not stateless (i'm talking about the stable 1.2 here)

thats not a con anymore because 1.3 is pretty good now in that area.

> * Too much alternatives to do quite the same things (markup inheritance vs
> borders; passing component's constructors models, full objects or even
> components; ListView vs DataView vs GridView ...)

thats just evolution.. But i guess we should document exactly what to use
when (or best to use for..)

But i agree to much choice ís bad.. (this is pretty much valid for anything)

> * TOO MUCH JAVA and too component oriented: in fact on some pages you need
> to create some components (panels, fragment, or inner classes) to write
> maintenable code whereas these components will never be reused elsewhere.
> In
> general you need some effort and focus to produce maintenable code on not
> so
> complex pages / components, this is my biggest con.

Dont believe in to much java, i believe in to much xml or to much code
inside places where it doesnt belonge.
Java code is easy to read and type and compile save. Maybe a bit to verbose
at some time
But sun is fixing that i think (java 7)


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