On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 05:48:36AM -0700, David Chang wrote:
> I just started migrating from Spring MVC to Wicket. I
> found Matt Raible's interesting slides at this place:
> http://static.raibledesigns.com/repository/presentations/ComparingJavaWebFrameworks-ApacheConUS2007.pdf
> Matt's says 
> 1. regarding Bookmarking and URLs, "Wicket allows
> pages/URLs to be mounted". What does this "mounted"
> mean? Can somebody provide an example?

It means to attach a relative URL to the page, e.g. mounting LoginPage
to "/login" means you can get to the LoginPage via the URL
http://foo.com/myapp/login. If you don't mount the page, Wicket
generates a URL that's not as nice.

> 2. regarding Post and Redirect, Wicket has "flash"
> support. What is "flash" support?

A common pattern is to post a form to one page, then redirect to the
next page. If your post handling code needs to send a message to the
user (e.g. "Your order successfully placed!"), it stores the message in
a well-known place in the session. Then when the subsequent page
renders, it looks for a message in the session. If one is there, it
displays it and removes it from the session so it is only displayed once.

In other words, it's a way to "flash" a message to the user.

> 3. regarding Page Decoration, SiteMesh is not
> supported or recommended for use with Wicket. This
> worries me since I am Sitemesh fan. Can Sitemesh be
> FULLY integrated with Wicket? Any Wicket user did
> this?

Look into Wicket markup inheritance. One think I disliked about Sitemesh
was the limited ability of each page to affect what was going on in the
decoration. With Wicket's markup inheritance, the decoration is just
rendered by your page's superclass, so you can have full programmatic
control over it by calling or overriding methods in the base class. Much
more powerful than Sitemesh, IMHO.


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