>  Thanks so much for your input! I am still seriously
>  learning Wicket now and will see if I will change my
>  mind.
>  BTW, what is the best Wicket example website?

Best to download the Wicket examples distribution or check out from
our subversion repo, so that you can browse through the source. And
don't forget to search through this mailing list (archives) and look
at the WIKI if you're stuck with something.

> I often  have many questions when reading tutorials with simple
>  examples. I wonder Wicket can do or how do more
>  callenging/complex situations that I can easily handle
>  with Spring MVC.

You bet! There may be cases where using Wicket is overkill, but it
certainly beats the hell out of competitors when it comes to handling
complex cases. :-)

You could download the first chapter of Wicket In Action
(http://www.manning.com/dashorst/) to get our take on what exactly
we're trying to solve (and what isn't solved by model 2 frameworks
like SpringMVC and Struts etc)




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