On Fri, May 02, 2008 at 09:13:40AM -0700, David Chang wrote:
> >>Weird. Your experience is exactly opposite to mine.
> I found Spring MVC to be hopelessly scattered:
> declarations in XML, controller code in Java, view
> code in templates.
> I dont have any real experience yet. It is mere my
> observation and thinking. I am learning but still
> evaluating. 

I just realized that you may not be clear on the role of FormValidators
in Wicket. A FormValidator is only used when the validation of one field
depends on the value the user entered for another field. The vast
majority of validation uses only field-level validators, which are much
less verbose than FormValidators:

  new TextField("name").setRequired(true);

  new TextField("ccNumber").add(new CreditCardValidator());

My current Wicket application (~35,000 LoC, ported from SpringMVC BTW,
so I speak from experience!) has no more than a handful of

> One thing I have is really the opposite to your
> experience. I feel this "scatter" is not hopeless; but
> it is a nice separation of concerns.

In this case I think "separation of concerns" is just a nice way of
saying "lack of cohesion/encapsulation". I *want* my validation to
follow my component around, especially when I have a form composed from
several re-usable panels. 

Here's a real-world example. In my app we have a component that captures
credit card info (card number, expiry, etc). It's not a form, just a
Panel with a bunch of form components on it. We re-use this panel in
several very different forms, each of which has various additional

Each time this panel is re-used, I just drop it into the form like this:

  form.add(new CreditCardPanel(ccModel));

I don't have to add the CreditCardValidator to each one of these forms.
It comes pre-wired in the CreditCardPanel.

> have no objection to puting everything in WebPage, but
> these different concerns should be separated in Wicket
> somehow, code should look clean and good...

Very few Wicket applications put "everything in WebPage". Pages are
usually componentized into various Panels, which in turn can be composed
from other Panels and components. Each of these panels/components can
come with their own validators, as well as with other contributions to
the page such as JS, CSS, etc.


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